Neu beim TV Beyeröhde: Zumba

Was ist Zumba ?

Das ist eine Mischung aus Aerobic, lateinamerikanischer und internationaler Tänze. Es fördert das Herzkreislaufsystem sowie die Leistung.

Nicht nur für Mitglieder.

Interesse ? Dann vorbei schauen und mitmachen !

Sporthalle Meininger Straße, 42389 Wuppertal

Eingang: Auf der Höhe 5

Ab: Dienstag, 02.05.2023 Beginn: 18:30 Uhr

Das Kennenlernen ist kostenlos !

Der 10 malige kostenpflichtige Kurs geht danach an jedem Dienstag weiter.

Kevin Krautgartner

Kevin Krautgartner was born in Schwelm, Germany. He graduated from University of Applied Sciences in Dortmund with a degree in photography and graphic design. He has since been living in Wuppertal, where he has mainly been working as a professional photographer and image editor. His work has taken him to many different countries around the world and some of his series have received international photography awards. When Kevin Krautgartner is not at work by assignment, he devotes much of his time and passion to his personal photography projects, which will culminate in future books and exhibitions. His photographs are available printed on different undergrounds.

Jahreshauptversammlung 2023